Dave Asprey’s 3 essential, affordable supplements for longevity

Is the secret to a longer life hidden in a pill? With the crazy number of supplements longevity buffs are swallowing, it sure seems that way.
Dave Asprey, an entrepreneur and author known as “the father of biohacking,” spends an eye-popping $3,000 per month on supplements. But he insists you don’t need to spend a small fortune to give your body the nutrients it needs.
Asprey broke down three affordable supplements for The Post that he says can have the biggest impact on your health, including one that could even save you money at the grocery store.
The power of minerals
“A lot of people think about supplements and they’re looking at $100 complex stacks for longevity, but those are just frosting on the cake if you don’t have the foundation,” Asprey said.
He explained that all biological processes in the body are built on minerals, which we mainly get from our diet.
However, Asprey said that modern food is often less nutrient-dense, with researchers pointing to today’s industrial farming practices, soil depletion and the widespread use of chemicals as contributing factors.
To make up for this, Asprey recommends taking a broad-spectrum mineral supplement packed with ingredients like calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc and selenium. His company, Suppgrade Labs, sells a one-month supply for $27.95.
“You need it because all of your longevity processes, all of your cell repair processes and all energy metabolism is based on having minerals,” Asprey explained.
For example, “if you lift heavy things but you don’t have zinc, you won’t make testosterone and you won’t make muscle,” he said.
Vitamins matter
To maximize the benefits of your mineral supplement, Asprey recommends adding Vitamin DAKE to the mix.
These essential, fat-soluble pills — containing vitamins D, A, K and E — work magic on their own, but together, they help guide minerals to where your body needs them most.
“The combination of Vitamin DAKE and broad spectrum minerals means now your body can respond better to the world around you,” Asprey said. “You meditate better. You exercise better. You sleep better … Do that before you take anything else.”
Suppgrade’s one-month supply of Vitamin DAKE goes for $41.95.
Amino acids for better health
Next on Asprey’s list: an amino acid blend.
“Amino acids can, especially if you’re on a plant-based diet, help your body to make sure it has all the building blocks of protein, even if you’re not eating enough,” he said.
Protein is crucial for muscle growth and repair, keeping your bones strong and supporting a healthy immune system. It also powers your energy levels and helps carry oxygen through your blood.
Asprey said that an amino acid supplement can replace “pounds and pounds of protein” in our diet. With average US egg prices hitting a record $5.90 per dozen, it could also help you save in the checkout aisle.
Prices for amino acid supplements typically range between $25 and $40.
Bonus tip
Asprey recommended a fourth “supplement” — but you won’t find it in a pill.
“Go to the store, buy the cheapest cut of beef or ground beef and cook it on your stove,” he said. “It actually has proteins and minerals that are the most affordable of any supplement you can get. It doesn’t have to be expensive cuts.”